Symposium Adel & Reformaties in de Lage Landen

In verband met de maatregelen van de Nederlandse Regering om verdere verspreiding van COVID-19 (Coronavirus) te voorkomen, heeft de organisatie besloten het symposium Adel & Reformaties in de Lage Landen, 1450-1650 voor onbepaalde tijd uit te stellen. Reeds overgemaakte deelnamekosten worden zo snel mogelijk teruggestort.

 franse adel kerk klein

Conference Nobility and Reformations in the Low Countries, 1450-1650

nobility reformationThe Society for Nobility Studies and the Amsterdam Centre for Religious History (ACRH), affiliated with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, jointly organize a conference titled Nobility and Reformations in the Low Countries, 1450-1650. The conference will take place on Friday 3 April 2020 in Amsterdam. The Call for Paper can be found on the website of ACRH. Detailed information on the programme and registration will be published on the website of the Society for Nobility Studies by February 2020.